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OralTestEnglish ^_^
Friday, August 31, 2012 ★ 6:54 PM │ (0) angels

Kay . Dialog ni , yup ! ak ciplak from (here) .
Mohon ampun dan maaf kpd tuan punye blog , krne x minx izin terlebih dahulu .
Tuan pnyer blog , mara ke ?
Ramai yg minx petolongan from dia ni , pndai BI la katekn ^^
Ak na minx tolong gak act. , but , , sian plak at die .
Gile , da la BI , na kene buatkn orng len punyer . Klu BM , k agy kott--'
Apa - apa pun , THANKS sbb updated dialog ni .
Bole tumpang 'merasa' . Ehehehe : 3 .
Isnin ni ade oral test BI berkumpulanss seramai 2 olang .
Maximum 3 org . (Perlu ke ak kasi tau at korang?)--'
So , this dialog , ak gunekn utk ak n Aini Suraya bt. Abd Aziz .
Hrp-2 , tuan pnyer blog tu x kesahh . >.<

Afifah : Hai, shahira our exam is just around the corner? Have you prepared?

Shahira : Yes, i am. I have my own time table and i follow it carefully so then i have many time for study. Btw have you prepared?

Afifah : 50/50 i think. I want to achieve my target that is 8A's but i dont assured.

Shahira : Fyi, I just tell my parent about my time table, if i forgot they will remember me. I know our class teacher give us many hw but i did it one by one as long i dont delay it.

Afifah : Wow :O dont you feel uncontrolable with that time table?

Shahira : Sometime i feel like that too but i catch up again. All we need is our attempt and support from our family.

Afifah : Thanks shahira i will tried start from today. One more thing friend, how you study at home? Just read refference book or just do exercise book. I just read refference book, if i do exercise book i just do a few then i felt lazy and put it away.

Shahira : No Afifah you can't do like that, if you want to achieve your target you should attempt. Like me i do that two way to be more better.

Afifah : Oh i see! You great shahira. I should fast, you are in the front. Btw i gtg, thankyou for the info really appreciate and i hope i'll be like you.

Shahira : Haha its okay, i really enjoy talk with you btw later we can had a study group together byebye, make sure arrange your time table carefully :)

Shortform : Gtg = got to go. Hw = homework. Btw = By the way. Fyi = For your information.

p/s : Sue ! Ko jadi Afifah , ak jadi Shahira , boleh ? Klu x bole , kasi tau ak kat FB or mesej ak at hp . Thank Q : ) .

meet the big beauty boss

Hye,Hye,Hye. ehem. Blog ni actually ade tiga boss. Boss? haha. *Sukati la hoih. Satu : Amirah Huda, dia nie yang selalu update blog. Dia cantikk. *huahua Dua : Paudziah Aida,dia lovely. Tiga : Nur Sabrina, dia... brutal *haha dia...(saya tak tau nak descripe diri saya lohh)! Why we choose GengTamanDamai as this website name ? 1. Dah takde idea lain mungkin.. 2. Taman Damai ni nama taman perumahan kitorang, tapi sekarang huda je kat taman tu. Sabrina and Aida dah pindah dah.SobSob. walaubagaimanapun yang terjadi, kitorang still BestFriend sampai sekarang. Kitorang sekepala ! Gambar kat tepi tu (nampak tak)? Tu Bias kami. Tahu apa itu bias? Taktau kalau,sila tanya saudara mara terdekat yang minat k-pop ekk. Tu Park Ki Woong! Tu kitorang punyehh*muehehe.Hah! Meet us in twitter, do follow kami #TeamFollowBack HudaAidaSabina. Papai~
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Nak Exchange links? Boleh mention dekat chatbox okey, no probb~

Sabrina Next?

Layout (c) sweet.m!sery
Re-edited by nurul ain
Icons from reviviscent
Resources: sea shells
OralTestEnglish ^_^
Friday, August 31, 2012 ★ 6:54 PM │ (0) angels

Kay . Dialog ni , yup ! ak ciplak from (here) .
Mohon ampun dan maaf kpd tuan punye blog , krne x minx izin terlebih dahulu .
Tuan pnyer blog , mara ke ?
Ramai yg minx petolongan from dia ni , pndai BI la katekn ^^
Ak na minx tolong gak act. , but , , sian plak at die .
Gile , da la BI , na kene buatkn orng len punyer . Klu BM , k agy kott--'
Apa - apa pun , THANKS sbb updated dialog ni .
Bole tumpang 'merasa' . Ehehehe : 3 .
Isnin ni ade oral test BI berkumpulanss seramai 2 olang .
Maximum 3 org . (Perlu ke ak kasi tau at korang?)--'
So , this dialog , ak gunekn utk ak n Aini Suraya bt. Abd Aziz .
Hrp-2 , tuan pnyer blog tu x kesahh . >.<

Afifah : Hai, shahira our exam is just around the corner? Have you prepared?

Shahira : Yes, i am. I have my own time table and i follow it carefully so then i have many time for study. Btw have you prepared?

Afifah : 50/50 i think. I want to achieve my target that is 8A's but i dont assured.

Shahira : Fyi, I just tell my parent about my time table, if i forgot they will remember me. I know our class teacher give us many hw but i did it one by one as long i dont delay it.

Afifah : Wow :O dont you feel uncontrolable with that time table?

Shahira : Sometime i feel like that too but i catch up again. All we need is our attempt and support from our family.

Afifah : Thanks shahira i will tried start from today. One more thing friend, how you study at home? Just read refference book or just do exercise book. I just read refference book, if i do exercise book i just do a few then i felt lazy and put it away.

Shahira : No Afifah you can't do like that, if you want to achieve your target you should attempt. Like me i do that two way to be more better.

Afifah : Oh i see! You great shahira. I should fast, you are in the front. Btw i gtg, thankyou for the info really appreciate and i hope i'll be like you.

Shahira : Haha its okay, i really enjoy talk with you btw later we can had a study group together byebye, make sure arrange your time table carefully :)

Shortform : Gtg = got to go. Hw = homework. Btw = By the way. Fyi = For your information.

p/s : Sue ! Ko jadi Afifah , ak jadi Shahira , boleh ? Klu x bole , kasi tau ak kat FB or mesej ak at hp . Thank Q : ) .
